One Of My Favorite Days

by | Dec 31, 2020

Since I can remember, New Year’s Eve has always been one of my favorite days.

There is always such an air of excitement about turning over the calendar.  The day is filled with anticipation and possibilities.  While it’s mostly symbolic, it seems the whole world gets caught up in having a clean slate.  We have the ability to create a new and better version of ourselves.  Everything is possible.

This feeling of hope is evident nearly every year, but this year the desire to move on is off the charts!

I love that sense of excitement and hope.  And while the celebration and goal setting are things that get me fired up, that is not the only reason why this is one of my favorite days.

The other reason is that it is Amy Hasseman’s birthday.

amy hasseman

Amy is my lovely bride and my partner in crime.  Though, for those that know us, she is MUCH less likely to be involved in any crime than me.  Amy is incredibly hard-working.  For those that don’t know, Amy has been heading up the renovation of a building in downtown Coshocton.  You can learn more about it here.  I often get the question, “Does Amy have a background in construction?  Does she know what she was getting into?”

The answers are “no” and “no.”  With no training, Amy’s answer was to throw herself into it…and outwork her inexperience.  You can check out the latest video to see how she has done.

Amy is an incredible mom and wife.  She is also a fierce friend.

She is the also inspiration for much of what I do.  As a matter of fact, it’s a running joke in our household that I get credit for a lot of what she actually does.  (Well, it’s sort of a joke.  It really is true).

Amy is a giver.  She seeks out people and projects to help.  When Amy is feeling down, she lifts her spirits by lifting others up.  It’s a lesson I try to take to heart.

She is also humble.  This post will make her incredibly uncomfortable.  She would just assume be behind the scenes and not get attention for her good deeds.  I think that’s why I get credit for her good work!  I am fine with the attention!

So while I love that we are turning over the calendar, that is not the only reason New Year’s Eve is one of my favorite days.  Please help me wish my lovely bride a Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Amy Hasseman!


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