People Stil Buy From People They Like

by | Oct 9, 2014

I woke up excited about today!

Today we will be celebrating the Hasseman Marketing Customer Appreciation Show from Noon to 5pm.  It’s a great event where we invite our customers to one location to meet with many of our top suppliers.  This event is all about people.  We get to say “thank you” to our best clients.  The clients get to meet some of the folks we do business with.  All of us work together to create great energy moving forward (for the 4th quarter). 

In addition, several of our supplier partners joined Amy and I for dinner last night.  It was a fun evening allowing us to deepen our business and personal relationships. 

And relationships still matter.

Despite technology, and time and distance and our ADHD culture, people still buy from people thing know, trust and like.

Spend some time today investing in people…it will pay off!


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