Plan For What You Can. Embrace The Adventure.

by | Mar 15, 2022

plan for what you can. embrace the adventure

Amy and I are getting ready to go on vacation and I am incredibly excited.  I always love to travel, and sometimes we all just need a break.  And since we are going to be traveling outside of the U.S., there is quite a bit of preparation we need to do to be ready.  When it comes to traveling, there is always preparation.  You have to pack your clothes, any work material you plan to take, books to read, sunscreen, and so much more.  Sometimes the level of detail we get into when planning a vacation can be overwhelming!

And while it is important to think through the details of your next travel adventure, there is only so much you can plan.  Inevitably, there are going to be things that come up that you could not have planned for.  Or, if you are like me, there are things you are going to forget!

Despite the best planning and the best of intentions, sometimes “life happens,” even on vacation.

In addition, just like anything else, we can take it too far.  Being prepared for vacation is important.  But if we take it too far, we can add stress to the trip that takes away from the fun of the whole experience.  It’s supposed to be fun, right?  So that’s why you should follow this simple two-step process when it comes to travel.

  • Plan For What You Can.
  • Embrace the Adventure.

I think this simple metaphor travels well (see what I did there?) when talking about starting a business or a new life adventure.  These new journeys can be exciting…but also scary.  So when we make these changes, we need to prepare.  We need to do our research.  And we need to plan out a ton of details that include finances, marketing, locations, and so much more.  But as I said above with a vacation, while it’s important to think through the details (and it is), there is only so much you can plan. Inevitably, there are going to be things that come up that you could not have planned for!

At some point, you have to just take the plunge.

So it brings us back to that two-step process for vacation.  And it translates to a new business, a new career, and life.

  • Plan For What You Can.
  • Embrace The Adventure.

And the final step…adjust along the way.

Here’s to making this life a wonderful adventure.

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing.  Make sure you never miss an update.  Get on this HMC VIP email list.    Sign up to be an HMC VIP here.



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