Providing Joy in Business

by | Jun 6, 2016

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I get the question sometimes, “What do you mean you are providing Joy in business?”  (For fun you can watch this video).  Sometimes I think that people believe that you can’t be both joyful and productive.  That’s strange to me.  So in today’s Delivering Marketing Joy podcast we look at how you can be both “joyful” and “profitable.”  Listen in now!

Have Fun With It:  When you have fun, people will have fun doing business with you!  People are drawn to those that enjoy what they do.  So if you are joyful, you will attract customers.  It’s that simple!

Make it Easy:  You don’t have to be silly and bounce off the walls.  If you want your customers to be joyful, make it easy for them to do business with you.  I always say, never get in the way of someone trying to give you money!  Too many companies make it hard…it can be joyful if you don’t.

Make the Experience Friction-less:  This is not just about the sales process (though that is a part of it).  Make the customer journey through your process painless.  From the beginning of the experience (prospecting) to delivery of the product, make sure you don’t get in the way.  Make it joyful.  If you do, you customer might even be joyful about paying!

Remember:  Friction-less business = joyful business.

Show Sincere Appreciation:  So few businesses actually do this, that you can really stand out here.  Just spend the time to really (and sincerely) thank your customers for doing business with you.  You can do this through cards, shaking hands, or even recording a customized video.  Just spend a few extra moments (and that’s all it really takes) to look them in the eye and show them how much you appreciate them.  Now that’s joyful!

When you do business this way, more customers equal more joy!  So get out there and Deliver Some Joy today!

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