Put the Big Rocks In First

by | Apr 25, 2016


Hello Monday.  It’s time to dance!  Today on the Delivering Marketing Joy podcast we take a look at productivity and starting your week off right.  How do we do that?  We talk about your goals, tactics and putting the most important activities in your schedule first.  Listen to the podcast here.

Before we dig too deeply into creating a more productive week, we have to go back to the beginning.  That means we have to discuss your goals.  We have talked about goals before, but if you don’t know what you are trying to create…how can you create tactics to move toward it?  You can’t.  So if you have not taken the time to write down your goals yet, now is the time.  Studies show that you are much more likely to reach your goals if you simply write them down.  So do that…then let’s plan your week.

You may be thinking “I know this.”  But one of my favorite quotes is,

“The greatest distance in the world is the distance between ‘I know’ and ‘I do.'”

Once you have those goals written down, it’s time to create your list of activities that get you closer to those goals.  Create the list.  Now is the time to put those activities on your calendar where you think they fit best.  A friend of mine, Patrick Clark, uses Trello for this.  He assigns each task an amount of time it will take and he puts it on a Trello board for the day.  If he has more than 8 to 10 hours of work scheduled for his day, he knows he is kidding himself.

Remember to put the most important activities (or the big rocks) in first.  The little rocks will fill in.

Now plan that week like you mean it.  Let’s make this a productive week because we have been intentional about creating it.  Go get it.

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