Putting Yourself Out There

by | Nov 16, 2016


I have a feeling I am going to be tired by the end of the day.

I know this because I was up well before the alarm clock today…and I have a long day planned.  But don’t cry for me.  I am excited about the challenges I have planned.  Today, Bill Petrie, Mike Schenker and I will work to put the meat in on a new training plan for professionals looking to increase sales and brand awareness in the Promotional Products industry.  We are pumped about the project to say the least.

But there is another feeling that comes with a project like this.  It could fail.  I don’t think it will.  But it could.  And that raw emotion and excitement are what got me up early this morning.

Interestingly enough, this is the feeling I get on most of the projects that matter in my life.  It’s also a feeling that most people are not willing to let themselves experience.  But if you want to create anything new and meaningful in your life, you have to be willing to feel that feeling.  You have to be willing to put yourself out there…and potentially fail.

What is a little unique on this project is that I have some partners.  I appreciate Bill and Mike being willing to step out and do this with me.  My hope is that this different level of accountability and partnership will help to make this project even better.  I hope that, with the collective work experience we will be able to create a program that adds value to individuals…and the industry.

That’s the hope.  But nothing happens unless we are willing to put ourselves out there.

P.S. There will be many more details to come, but you can follow us on Facebook here.  And you can sign up for more information here.

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