Saying Yes To Life

by | Jul 7, 2014

Sometimes inspiration can come from funny places.  In the movie “Yes Man” with Jim Carey, his character attends an inspirational conference and is told to say “Yes” to life.  His character is ordered to say “Yes” to everything that is asked of him.  Everything.  Hilarity ensues. 

Though it might only be a movie, it struck me that there is a lesson here.  A lot of people say “No” to life every day.  They see opportunities but decide they might be too hard (or they might fail, or they are inconvenient, or whatever) so they let them pass by.  Then they look back at their life and wonder why it’s not what they had hoped. 

Opportunities are out there if we choose to see them.  Sometimes they will be hard.  Sometimes they will have the possibility of failing.  Sometimes we might embarrass ourselves.  But if you say “Yes” to these opportunities, life will give you more.

Recently LinkedIn decided (however these things are decided) that I could now write articles for them.  I saw that opportunity and said “yes.”  Here is my first submission for them.

Life will give you opportunities.   Say “Yes” to life today. 


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