Sometimes the Most Fun Is Unplanned

by | Aug 11, 2014

My wife and I recently had the opportunity to spend a few days in Chicago.  The first day was a full “work” day.  We spent the day in a trade show environment doing what we could to learn about trends in our industry and then networking.  Great stuff.
The next day we had the chance to spend some quality “tourist” time in Chicago.  Amy and I really love the town and were torn about what to “schedule” so we could have fun.  There is so much to plan in a town like Chicago! 
We opted for planning nothing…and we were glad.  Sometimes the most fun is the impromptu adventure.  When you get to explore with a person you really enjoy, these unplanned times can be the best.
You don’t always have to plan it.  Let the fun come to you!


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