Exceptional Action

Several years ago I wrote, “If you want to be exceptional, you need to be unreasonable.” The point of the blog was simple.  The people that are thought leaders (in any space) often do things that most of us are unwilling to do.  They take action that most...

If it’s to be, it’s up to us

As an entrepreneur, many times I have an attitude that says “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!” That is a great attitude to get things started.  In a world that waits for permission, that’s why entrepreneurs are able to start things.  We are...

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

I had the opportunity to speak to a group yesterday about the 5 Steps to Building a Strong Personal Brand.  It’s a topic I have spoken about many times before, but something new struck me. Step one in building a strong personal brand is to identify your space. ...

The Hidden Cost of Negativity

Every year, during the election cycle, I see a spike in negativity.  It’s not just in the candidates.  It happens to the community too.  This phenomenon makes sense.  We, as a society, are actively consuming this poison every day…and what goes in comes...

You Will Never Feel Completely Ready

Last night I went to the “race packet pick-up” for the Friends of the Park race in Coshocton County.  Before I walked in to get my t-shirt and merch, I ran into another runner and we discussed if we “felt ready” for the race. “I always...

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