Push Out Good

Push Out Good

Some mornings I wake up feeling good.  I am excited about everything I get to work on, and I can’t wait to attack the day.  These are the easy days.  Everyone is productive on those days. And then there are the other days. On “the other days” I get...
I Don’t Buy “One Size Fits All”

I Don’t Buy “One Size Fits All”

The older I get, the more skeptical I get about “one size fits all” solutions.  As humans, we are all just too different.  We are wired individually.  It’s what makes each of us beautiful and interesting.  And it’s why making broad-brush...
I Had A Dream

I Had A Dream

I had a dream last night that had me upset.  It was intense and it felt real…and I was having it right as I woke up.  The contents of the dream are not important, because well, it was a dream!  It wasn’t real.  But I woke up this morning in a bad mood...
Getting More T.I.M.E. In Your Morning

Getting More T.I.M.E. In Your Morning

I am a big believer in creating an intentional morning routine.  I talk about mine here.  The keyword there is intentional.  Almost all of us have a morning routine.  But often it is unintentional and does not serve us.  Recently I heard author and speaker Jay Shetty...
My Morning Routine

My Morning Routine

I am a big believer in having an intentional morning routine.  Over the years I have come to find that it not only helps me be more productive, it assists my sanity as well.  And here’s the thing, we all have routines in the morning.  Whether it’s how you brush your...