Push Out Good

Push Out Good

Some mornings I wake up feeling good.  I am excited about everything I get to work on, and I can’t wait to attack the day.  These are the easy days.  Everyone is productive on those days. And then there are the other days. On “the other days” I get...
7 Ways To Snap Out Of A Funk

7 Ways To Snap Out Of A Funk

Here’s a news flash.  There will be a time you get down.  Regardless of how “happy go lucky” a person appears to be, they will have time when they feel off their game.  It happens to all of us.  It certainly happens to me. And one of the most...
What Did I Learn?

What Did I Learn?

We send out a weekly email wrap-up to all of our customers and VIPs at Hasseman Marketing.  It goes out on Monday Morning and it has for years.  And since it has been happening for so long, it has evolved over the years.  It started out as a more “sales-y”...
Show Up Every Day

Show Up Every Day

There will be days you don’t feel like doing it.  Of course, there will.  Today might be one of those days.  We all have days like that.  But here is a simple secret of success. Successful people do every day what ordinary people do occasionally. Building your...
3 Things To Do Every Day

3 Things To Do Every Day

Since the beginning of this pandemic, there is one that has continued to show its ugly head…unreasonable anger.  As a culture, we seem in a constant state of anxiety, stress, frustration, and rage.  I wrote about this over a year ago here.  In that post, I...