Did I Solve The Right Problems

Did I Solve The Right Problems

Entrepreneurs solve problems.  That’s their job.  All-day…every day.  I talked about that here. If and when you accept that premise, it sets you free to ask a very important question.  “What problems do I want to solve today?” Oh…other...
The Challenge of Change

The Challenge of Change

My good friend Bill Petrie said something about change that has stuck with me.  He said that we all say we want change, but it’s not that simple. “We all like change…as long as we are the ones creating the change.  If other people are driving the...
Saying Yes or No

Saying Yes or No

Yesterday I gave a quick update on how I am doing on my goals.  It’s great to track progress.  It can be encouraging…or it can give you a kick in the pants! Another reason to check on your goals is to make sure they are still pointing you where you want to...