29 Game-Changing Books for Business

29 Game-Changing Books for Business

I love blogs, podcasts, and videos.  Each of these has the chance to inspire me and lift me up.  I have created time in my morning routine to put some good into my brain each day…and these are often my tool of choice.  But if I really want to take a deep dive...
So Much To Learn by Re-Learning

So Much To Learn by Re-Learning

Want to hear a statement that holds many of us back?  It’s simple.  “I already know that.”  That statement holds us back because there is so much to learn by re-learning.  When we re-visit material that we read or listened to previously it can have...
7 Great Books For Sales

7 Great Books For Sales

I love to read.  Don’t get me wrong.  It’s not because I love the feeling of “curling up with a good book.”  That’s fine, I guess.  But my personality does not really lend me to a curling-up kind of guy.  I love it because I feel like reading pushes me.  It makes me...
2016 Books

2016 Books

 In 2015 I challenged myself to read 50 business and personal development books.  It was certainly a challenge.  But wow!  The growth I felt was incredible.  As I heard Dave Ramsey say once, “Five years from now you will be the same person except for the people...
What You Need To Hear

What You Need To Hear

I believe in learning and growing. “Sure,” you say.  “Everyone does.” Not really.  Everyone believes in learning and growing “in theory.”  Not so much in practice.  We all say we want to grow, but a precious few put it into...