What You Need To Hear


I believe in learning and growing.

“Sure,” you say.  “Everyone does.”

Not really.  Everyone believes in learning and growing “in theory.”  Not so much in practice.  We all say we want to grow, but a precious few put it into practice.

For example, I spend time reading in order to grow.  In 2015 I read 50 personal development and business books (my goal is 25 this year).  When I tell people that, I often get an eye roll or a scoff.  “I don’t have time for that.”  This, of course, is not really true.  We each have the same amount of time.  I just want to do this.  I have committed.  They have not.

I don’t care that they don’t read.  I am just not interested in “time” as an excuse.

And over the course of the last 2 years, I think books tend to fall into one of two categories for me:  “Learning” books or “Need To Hear” books.

With “Learning” books, I spend the time (as you might expect) learning a new topic.  These books are often paradigm shifting.  I need to take notes, or really stop and think about what I have just heard.  These books teach me something new on a new topic or simply make me think.  Here is one I am reading now called the Happiness Advantage that falls into this category. 

“Need to hear” books are what I like to call my “kick in the butt” books.  These are books where I am not really covering new ground.  The readers of these books already “know” much of what is in them to be true.  But the greatest distance in the world is the distance between “I know” and “I do.”  Sometimes we need to dig into these books to remind us what we should be doing each day.  My current book that falls into this category is Fanatical Prospecting and you can find it here.

Oh…and please don’t mistake me and think that “Need to hear” books are inferior.  Both can have a huge impact.  Because let’s face it.  Sometimes we all need someone to tell us what we need to hear.

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