The Predictable Should Be Prepared For

The Predictable Should Be Prepared For

When my wife and I bought 14 acres of land in Coshocton recently, we had considered buying a lawn tractor.  But because it was quite a few acres, I felt like it needed to be a larger lawn tractor.  Many of my friends disagreed.  They told me, over and over, that I...
Interested or Committed?

Interested or Committed?

I recently heard that salespeople are the “elite athletes” of the business world.  I could say the same for entrepreneurs.  These people need to operate on their own.  They need to continually train to get better.  They spend time “on the...
Catching Your Breath

Catching Your Breath

If you are at the beginning of a new work out plan (especially if it’s tough) you might have moments in the first few weeks that are really a stretch.  You feel pain in places you have not felt in a long time.  You sweat in ways you have not sweat.  You struggle...