Willing To Work For It

Willing To Work For It

In my experience there is an over-abundance of people that are willing to “say” they want to be successful. They will tell you that they wish they had more money or more time or a place at the beach or….you get the idea. But there is a huge disconnect. It’s between...
Happiness First

Happiness First

Everything we have been taught is wrong. We have been told, since we were young, that if we work hard, we can be successful, and then we will be happy. But if you have lived for any real period of time, you know this is not true. We work hard and achieve a goal and we...
The New Workout Routine

The New Workout Routine

Have you ever purchased a new workout routine?  If not, consider starting a new running plan or starting a new hobby, or joining a gym.  There is a fresh excitement that focuses your effort.  You are excited to get started, so you do preparation work before you even...