Talking Collaboration with Bill Petrie

by | Feb 5, 2016

DMJ Podcast

Have you ever considered your “personal brand?”  In today’s world, it’s important to give it some thought.  No matter what you do in life, your personal brand will follow you.  If you want to grow your personal brand, or if you simply want to get more done in life, you should consider Collaborating with other good people.

That’s the topic of today’s Delivering Marketing Joy Podcast…listen here.

Today I talk about Collaboration with Bill Petrie.  Bill is the owner and founder of Brandivate where he helps companies in the Promotional Products world grow (in a smart way).  Bill and I also COLLABORATE (there’s that word again) on a monthly column for PromoKitchen called Salt and Pepper.  In this monthly piece of content, we debate issues in the promotional products world from both sides.  We take hot topics in our industry and argue them, in what we hope is a healthy and respectful way.  The idea is to elevate the discussion.

What we have done is also Elevate each of our own brands in the process.

That’s what collaboration allows you to do.  It allows you to intentionally borrow each others platform in order to help each other.  We have also raised the awareness of several issues in our industry.  It is a true win-win.

But how do you create a successful collaboration?  We discuss several things in the Podcast.

First, you really need to be respectful of the person you are collaborating with.  I find that I take more time on the Salt and Pepper debates.  I know that I am representing Bill and PromoKitchen in that piece of content.  Since I am, I tend to work harder to make sure it is quality.

In addition, you need to really want to help you partner.  If you continually seek ways for them to succeed, you might be able to create a collaboration that works for a long time!

Again, feel free to listen to today’s PODCAST here.  And please feel free to subscribe on iTunes or Soundcloud.  It would mean a lot to me!

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