Tell Them About It!

by | Apr 21, 2016

tell them

I have a rule in my life that says, if I catch myself saying something nice about someone behind their back, I tell them.  Listen to more on this latest Delivering Marketing Joy Podcast!

There are several reasons why this can be a good thing.  First, it’s never bad to give people a compliment.  It’s always good to hear that someone thinks highly of us.  But we don’t always take compliments that well.  By approaching it with the “I was talking about you behind your back,” line, it’s kind of funny.  It takes the cheesiness out of giving the compliment.  It’s better for the giver and the receiver.  In addition, it gives you the opportunity to really push good out into the world.

Jeff Wickerham, who is sale star at Hasseman Marketing and the author of a good blog, told me the story of an interesting take on this.  He said that he had heard a speaker talk about the concept of “I See In You.”  This is the opportunity for us to tell others what we see in them.  He took the chance to give this message to his 10 year old son.  He told him, “I see in you big things.  God has a plan for you.  I am not sure what it is…but it’s going to be big!”

The impact, according to Jeff, was immediate and huge.  His attitude has improved.  He has been happier.  He has been more involved in family activities.  All because Jeff told his son what he was already thinking (and saying) behind his back!

We all have that opportunity to have an impact like that.  Look for an opportunity to tell someone something nice that (maybe) you have been saying behind their back.

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