Tell Them About It

by | Jun 18, 2015

I have a rule in my life that goes like this:  If I ever catch myself saying something nice about someone–behind their back–I need to reach out to them and let them know.  (There are plenty of people that say things bad about someone behind their back, but that is not what I am talking about!).

It’s not as awkward as it sounds.  But as Billy Joel once said, “Tell them about it!”

You never know what those kind words might mean at the time.  Call them.  Send a text, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat or letter.  Whatever.  Reach out and let them know that you were bragging about them.  It will (nearly) always mean a lot to them.

Just let them know. 

You will never be disappointed by pushing good out into the world.  We could use more of it.


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