The Happiness Equation

by | May 3, 2016


Last year I created a challenge for myself to read 50 books.  It was a challenge at times (just like anything worth doing) but it had huge rewards.  This year I have decided on 25 books, but I am still keeping it up. Today I want to talk about book number 12 of this year.  It was a good one.  You can find the Happiness Equation here.  Listen to the podcast here.

I picked up the Happiness Equation this weekend at a dance competition with my family.  I bought the book on Saturday afternoon and had it read by Sunday afternoon.  I devoured it.  (No i don’t make any money for my book recommendations).  This book not only helped me crystallize my own opinions on happiness, but it made me think.  I love that.  So this is on my high recommendations list from 2016.  Here are some of the high points…

Success Does Not Create Happiness:  The way we strive for happiness is backwards.  We think that if we work hard toward a goal, then create success, then we will be happy.  More and more studies are showing that this is backwards.  We need to first be happy, then work hard, then we are able to create success.

Being Positive Is Hard:  Ok, you might think, I should be happy.  Then why can I not “think” myself into being happy?  The Happiness Equation explains why the two parts of your brain are working against each other here.  And more to the point…we all battle this.  It’s ok to sometimes struggle with our mood and our attitude.

It’s Got To Be Internal:  So many times we give our happiness to external forces.  So that means there is always a “next level” to hit or a new goal to reach.  We need to work on being “ok” internally if we want to achieve.

Some of this might sound new age, but the author backs this up with study after study.  It’s good stuff and I recommend it.  As a matter of fact, I am thinking of reading this one again.  Let me know what you think!

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