The Power of My Why

This past weekend was the official beginning of competition dance season for my daughters.  It’s an awesome time for both my girls and my wife…and they enjoy it.  Most of the time, I let them go do their thing with dance, and I stay home. 

So with all of that time by myself on weekends, you would think I would get a TON more done…and sometimes that is true.  But I am amazed by the amount of work that does not get done when they are not there.  It makes no sense.  I have more time to think and more time to do…and I often do less.


I think it’s because Amy, Skylar and Jade are truly my why.  They are the reason I hustle.  They are the reason I want to succeed. 

So when I have all this time without them, I find that my motivation goes down.  I am not aiming for a super-sappy post here.  I find it interesting.  It shows the power of having a person (or person’s) in your life that help build you up. 

So now I need to find some new ways to “get going” while they are away.  I am open to suggestions. 

My 12 Week Year Goals

My 12 Week Year Goals

I talk a lot about goals on this blog (and everywhere else).  I believe in them.  It helps me (and you) to create a life worth living...on purpose.  But sometimes creating goals for an entire year can seem daunting.  It can be hard to see that far in the future...and...

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A Simple Way to Say Thanks

A Simple Way to Say Thanks

What have you done today to thank your customers?  Most of the time as sales people and entrepreneurs we go to our customers looking to sell them.  I get it.  That's the point, right? But the fact is, most customers who leave you do so because they don't think you...

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Make Your Magic Anyway

Each of us has that "mean little" voice in our head.  It's the one that tells us that we are not "smart enough, not talented enough, rich, tall, beautiful enough to be successful."  It whispers doomsday predictions in our ear about what will happen if we try...

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A Week of Marketing Joy

How can I provide you value?  How can I help you grow?  How can I go above and beyond and push myself to really bring value?These questions drove me to start my new Delivering Marketing Joy podcast each business day.  The idea is provide a quick boost...

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