Thinking For Yourself

by | Dec 3, 2014

There is no shortage of quotes that I love from Mark Twain (an original thinker), but one of my favorites is:
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
This goes against so much that we are brought up to believe.  We work hard all through school to fit in.  We want to be included.  We want to be invited.  We want to be liked.  It’s natural, and in many cases, it’s good. 
The danger, I think, is when we rely on others to help us form our opinions.  I see a problem when we like TV shows just because others do, or go shopping because others do (see Black Friday), or buy products because others do.  It’s a followers mentality…and it’s lazy.
The irony is, most people tell you to think for yourself, but they don’t mean it.  They say it because they think they are supposed too.  Folks want you to speak up, as long as they agree with what you have to say. 
But here’s the thing…as the economy and culture changes, nothing will become more valuable than those with original thought.  The scarcity of the original thought is what gives it value.  There are not enough people who are willing to think on their own.   
There are even fewer willing to act on it.
Don’t be discouraged by this.  Be encouraged. Thinking (and acting) for yourself you will make you very rare…and valuable!


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