This Week in Marketing Joy

by | Apr 9, 2016


I always want you to “Embrace the Hustle!”  Here is a place for you to embrace it…and catch up with it!  There was a lot of content this week, and here is your chance to find it in one place.  Oh, and this Delivering Marketing Joy thing is starting to catch on, so if you have not subscribed to my Youtube channel yet or to the podcast, now is a great time!  Let’s dig in!

The Online 18:  Each year, Dale Denham puts together his list of the 18 most influential people (online) in our industry.  Dale scours the interwebs looking for content, discussions, Klout scores and more.  I was honored to be included in the list this year!  So thank you to all who follow me…and feel free to take a look at the list here.

You Have To Sell Something:  In today’s podcast we mix the “old school” with the “new school.”  As you know, I am a big believer in social media, and the power it has to improve your business.  But you can’t just spend all of your time measuring “likes.”  At some point you need to affect the bottom line.  Listen to this podcast here.

3 R’s of Business:  Today we get back to basics.  You have heard of the 3 R’s in education.  But have you heard of them in business?  Today I talk about how a successful business is built on these fundamental principles.  Want to know what they are?  Listen here.

Interview with Christine Brewer:  On this episode of Delivering Marketing Joy I get to talk to Christine Brewer.  Christine is the CMO of Suncrest Marketing and she gives us some basic principles on how to do marketing right.  Watch the video here!  And if you want to get the message on the go…listen to the podcast!

80/20 Sales:  You have likely heard of the 80/20 rule of sales, right?  It says that 80% of your sales probably comes from 20% of your customers.  It turns out the same is true for your sales activities!  You need to focus on the multiplier activities if you want to take your sales to the next level.  Are you?  If you want to grow your sales, this one is worth a listen.

5 Lessons From Mark Graham:  Each week I take a person from around the world and we look at 5 lessons you can learn from them.  I have discussed Peyton Manning, Gary Vaynerchuk and more.  But on this episode I talk about my buddy Mark Graham.  Mark was recently named the #1 online influencer in the Promo Industry…and he has a lot to teach us.  Read the blog here…or listen here.  Either way, get prepared to learn!

Salt and Pepper:  You might want to file this under “Bonus Material!”  Each month, Bill Petrie and I debate issues that are facing people in the Promotional Products industry.  This month we take on an issue for all marketers…is Email Marketing Dead?  Read the column here and let us know what you think!

So there is a week in one place.  Enjoy!  Oh, and let me know if you have any topics you want me to tackle on the podcast.  I want to add as much value as I can for you!  Never miss an episode by subscribing on iTunes here.

Want to keep up all the time?  Make sure to join our VIP List!  Our VIP’s get an email with the latest content…and other special offers as well.  Join here.


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