Want to Be Awesome?

by | Jan 28, 2015

I recently attended a conference in the promotional products industry called “SkuCon.”  It was a day (scheduled before a giant trade show in Vegas) designed to educate, collaborate and inspire.  The event was organized by a software company in the promotional products industry called Commonsku.

It was a great event…but that is not what this post is about.

The night we got to the event, my wife and I were able to meet the the owners of Commonsku at dinner.  Mark and Catherine Graham are not only clearly saavy, creative entrepreneurs, but also a dynamic husband and wife team…so we were excited to finally have this chance.

What struck me what how “important” they both made us feel.  Here we were, in a room full of their customers and friends, and both made a point of making time with us.

They made me feel awesome, so I thought they were awesome.

Consider that the next time you are with a prospect or client (or spouse, etc.).  Be “all in” on the conversation.  Don’t check your phone.  Don’t be looking around the room to see if there is a better conversation.  Make that person feel like the most important person in the room.

They will love you for it.


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