What Did You Create Today?

by | Apr 1, 2021

what will you create today

I once heard a story about Sara Blakely (the founder of Spanx) growing up.  Her father used to ask her and her siblings each day “What did you fail at today?”

He didn’t ask them to catch them in some kind of gotcha moment.  It was quite the opposite.  The idea was to cement the idea in the kids’ heads that if you are not failing at something each day, then you are not learning or growing.  If you are afraid of failure, you will become crippled in life.  You have to be willing to try new things (and fail at them some) if you want to grow.

I thought of a new question to ask your kids (and yourself) each day.

What did you create?

Each day presents us with a new opportunity to create…to initiate.  You have the chance to make something happen in the world.  So many people wait for the world to come to them.  Life just happens to them.  Don’t do that.  Create.

Today…did you create…

  • A podcast
  • A blog
  • A video
  • A new relationship
  • A new connection
  • Money
  • A new skill
  • A new sales process
  • A new company idea
  • A new company
  • A new plan
  • A new piece of knowledge
  • A new friendship
  • A new love
  • A new chance to laugh
  • A new chance to be kind.
  • The next right step in your adventure.

When your goal is to create you are not looking for perfect.  Perfection should never be the goal.  You want to pro-actively and intentionally create your day…and your life.  But you do that in small steps of action and initiative.

You can’t have it all planned out.  Just set the vision and start moving toward it.  When you take the next right step…the next step will reveal itself.  But it won’t if you sit back.

You need to create it today.

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Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full-service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  And if you are interested in having him speak at your next event, you can learn more here.


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