What Do I Do Next?

by | Aug 18, 2015

My family has been looking to sell our former family home for some time.  We have listed it with a realtor (a while ago), tried to sell it ourselves, and rented it out.  In the interest of just finally selling it, we had made the decision to auction the home.  We felt like this was a risk, but were excited about the finality of the event.  Get it sold…be done.

Last night we put out the signs (and balloons!) and held the auction…and no on showed up.  Needless to say, I was extraordinarily disappointed.

This happens, sometimes, in business and in life.  We set up a huge appointment.  We get ready for a big sale.  We have the audition.  We create the perfect event…and it doesn’t go like we want.  Not only has there been a ton of effort (and sometimes money) thrown at the effort, but the mental letdown can be huge. 

It’s natural, in those moments, to throw up your hands.  “What now?”  “Why me?”  I get it. 

But that was yesterday.  That attitude does me no good today.  In the face of that disappointment I need to reconsider my options.  I need to look at what I can do differently.  I need to NOT focus on yesterday.  There is just one question that helps me move forward.

“What do I do next?”


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