What Voices Will You Hear?

by | Jul 14, 2016


As I type this I am on a plane heading to Phoenix.  It’s a wonderful time we are living in!

I am traveling across the country today to speak at a sales conference.  Not out of the ordinary.  I love speaking to groups of people and (hopefully) providing them some inspiration.  What does make this trip unique us that I am scheduled to speak to the sales team…of a competitor.

It’s a wonderful time we are living in.

My industry, like many industries I suppose, is a very competitive, quickly changing and wildly diverse group of companies and people.  In addition, most of us sell the same or similar products, often at the same or similar pricing.  So historically speaking, there is an inherent mistrust of the competition.  We know that there is always the chance for the “next guy or gal” to swoop in and steal our customer by under-cutting, or under-mining, or whatever.  It’s understandable, to an extent.  The fact is, in any industry, there are people who are willing to do that.

But lost in that mistrust is the sharing of ideas and best practices that could help make our entire industry better.

That is why I am so impressed by Geiger for being progressive enough to invite me.  Obviously the leadership there is interested in making their company (and our industry) better by forward thinking.  The best leaders in any industry understand that by raising the standards of the industry, each companies results will rise as well.  I only hope I can provide enough value to make their gamble worth it.

Remember, you can tell the wisdom of a person (and a company) not just by what they say, but by who they are willing to listen to.  Are you willing to listen to those outside your circle?  What are you doing to prove it?

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