When To Quit

by | Jan 29, 2015

We have been trained that quitting is wrong.  And for the most part, I agree.  I have told my kids that once they start a “season” (whether sports, or dance or whatever) they must complete it.  I don’t care if they start, but once they commit, they need to honor that commitment.

But not all quitting is the same.

I have walked away from several organizations in the past.  Some might call that quitting.  Maybe they are right.

On the other hand, what I have found, is that sometimes the dynamics and goals and personalities of organizations change.  So what might have been totally in alignment with my values and goals 5 years ago, might not be today.  Sometimes the personalities in the room change.  It’s okay.  But when those values, personalities and cultures become inconsistent with my own, there can be unneeded friction.

Life’s too short.

So I tend to look around the room and ask, “what is really important?”  What is the goal we are trying to accomplish here?  Is that what I am spending my mental energy on?

If the answer is no, it might be time to walk away.  It was for me.


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