When You’re Tired

by | Oct 21, 2016


If you are working toward a big goal (or more than one), there will be a time that you just don’t feel like getting out of bed.  It happens.  Don’t get me wrong, if you have set a goal that excites you, the process should start with you being excited about getting up in the morning.  But after working hard, for a long period of time, the Grind will get to you.

It happens to the best.

So then, what do you do when that happens?  What do you do when you’re just tired?

  1.  Reconnect with the goal:  Simon Sinek talks about getting back to your “why.”  Why were you excited about this in the first place?  What made it excite you then?  Remember and reconnect with that.
  2. Take a deep breath.  I don’t mean this as a metaphorical exercise.  There is a healing and grounding effect of taking a deep breath and slowing down.
  3. Take the next right step:  If you have chosen big and worthy goals and dreams, it is very easy to get caught up in everything you have to do.  You look at the project or the to-do list or the whirlwind that you will need to trap and it can be totally overwhelming.  I totally get it.  I do the same thing.  In that moment I think it is very important to break it down into a basic to do list.  Just figure out what the “correct next step” would be.  Do that.

When you are overwhelmed, the natural tendency is to walk away.  It’s to give up.  And although there are times when a break from a project can be the best thing, most of the time that is not the answer.  If you take breaks every time it gets stressful, you will never break through.  Your best best, when you’re tired is to look at these 3 steps…

And take the next right step.

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