Who Do You Think You Are?

by | Feb 6, 2016


We all have two voices in our head (some have more than that!).  We have the nice one that encourages us and tells us that we can achieve our dreams.  And we also have the “other” one.  It’s the negative one that tells us that we are not good enough or smart enough or talented enough, etc.

Unfortunately, it can be the louder one.  It’s the voice we hear when we are stepping out into something new.  It’s the one that yells at us when we put our self “out there.”  I totally hear that one.  I heard it as I was starting this site.  It starts like this:

“Who do you think you are?”

That voice wants to keep you comfortable.  It wants to keep you from being scared.  It also wants to keep you from doing anything remarkable.  Listen to my DMJ podcast on the topic here!

It’s important to understand that we all hear that voice.  It’s totally natural.  But it’s also important to understand that we need to ignore it. If you want to accomplish something new in your life, you need to stretch.  You need to get outside of your comfort zone.

That voice is fear.  We all have it.  But here is my tip for you.  When you hear “that voice,” it probably means you are on the right track.  Because if you want to accomplish new things, you need to become a “new person.”  The person you are today might not be able to achieve your dreams.  But you can absolutely become that person.

You just need to put yourself out there. You need to hear “that voice” that says “Who do you think you are?”  Then you need to push forward anyway.  You can do it.

As Mark Twain said, “Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb.  That’s where the fruit is.”

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