Who Is It For?

by | Feb 10, 2022

who is it for?

I was meeting with a young lady that wanted to try a new side hustle.  She had an idea that (I thought) had merit and she seemed excited about the opportunity in front of her.  After telling me about the concept she paused to see what I thought.

This is always a tender time in the ideation stage.  Some people will stop chasing their dream if you attack it right here.  (You shouldn’t, but that is a blog for another day).  I told her I liked the idea very much…but I had an important question that she needed to explore.

Who is it for?

Whether you are starting a business, a blog, or a podcast, it is really important to do the internal work of deciding who you are creating it for.  Who is that customer?  What do they look like?  Who do they hang out with and why would they be interested?  The more detailed you can be in creating the ideal customer the better.  What is their name?

Once you know that your product (or content) is designed for a specific person, you can really start to design the experience with them in mind.

“I think this is a cool design, but will “she” like it?”  Can you picture her being excited about it?  If so, you might be onto something.  If not, it might be time to get back to work.

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