Why Ed Mylett and Gary Vaynerchuk Disagree on Patience

by | Nov 12, 2020

ed mylett and gary vaynerchuk

Two of my favorite content creators (and motivators) on the planet over the last several years have been Ed Mylett and Gary Vaynerchuk.  Both of these men have been extremely successful by most definitions, and both of them create a mountain of content.  I find myself seeking out their content when I need a lift or a piece of perspective.

That’s why I was surprised when I found them on the opposite sides of a discussion about patience.

Gary Vaynerchuk is what I would call the King of Content.  You can find his podcasts, youtube videos, blogs and social media among the most prolific in the world.  As a matter of fact, he has a team of people that help him produce this mountain of content.  And one thing he talks about a lot in this content is the need for Patience.  His thesis, I think, is that in order to succeed in anything in life, you have to put in the work.  But that works takes time to manifest into results.  You need to show patience.

Ed Mylett is also one of the most respected influencers in the world.  He is also on nearly every platform.  But I find that I enjoy his interviews, both on youtube and podcasts.  I am a subscriber!  So I was a bit surprised when I saw this video that talked about “the worst advice” he is seeing in the world.  In this video Ed talks about NOT having patience and not waiting to act to chase your dreams.

Two of my favorite content creators…saying two different things.

I have to be honest.  At first I was conflicted.  I respect both of these gentlemen…so who was right?

They were both right.  Ed was right when it comes to taking action.  We have to be impatient with ourselves about taking action that can help move us toward our goals.  We don’t want to wait until tomorrow, or next week or next month.  The best times to start taking action is right now.

But Gary was right too. Because while you can start taking action right away (and you should), your results will come over time.  Just like the seeds planted on the farm land, results take time to harvest.  Too many people plant one seed and then stand over it and wait for it to sprout up.  That’s not how it works.  You have to take a lot of action, and then over time, good things happen.

It all comes back to spending time in your Circle Of Influence.

It’s not surprising, I suppose, that it leads me back to one of the OG’s of Influencers…Stephen Covey.  Before the internet, Stephen Covey wrote “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”  In it, he talks about spending time on the things you can control. These things are your circle of influence.  And if you take care of your circle of influence, that circle gets bigger.

And that’s what this comes back to.  Ed is right because he is talking about taking action on the things you can control.  Your action is in your circle of influence.   You need to be impatient in your action.

Gary is right too, because the results (and their timing) is not in your circle of influence.  You can’t control when the results happen.  You must be patient with the results.

It’s about controlling what you can control…and not worrying about what you can’t.  It’s easier said than done…but it’s important for your success and your happiness.

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  And if you are interested in have him speak at your next event, you can learn more here.


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