Why Promotional Products Work

by | Apr 18, 2014

If you are a business owner, marketer, or leader of an organization you are likely always looking for better ways to tell your story.  And if you are like many, you have heard the voices that tell you what “works” and what “doesn’t work” when promoting.

Though each advertising medium has its merits, and some will work better than others depending on your audience, I want to spend just a moment on why promotional products work (video blog here as well). 

And yes, they do.  Here’s why:

1)  They are targeted!  So many marketing techniques are shotgun blasts at best.  So while you might reach some of your target, you waste a ton on people that simply have no interest.  Done right, promo reaches right into the office, home, etc. of the customer or prospect you want to reach.

2)  They are cost effective!  When you give a promotional gift, you get the initial impact from the gesture.  But promo gives you “lasting impact” as they see your message over and over.  That long term benefit gives you cost effective reach.

3)  People love Gifts!  We all like to receive something of value for free.  Promotional products are a perfect tool in the “give first economy.”  You provide value to your prospect before asking for the sale.  Oh…and over time, this simple act makes it more and more likely someone will buy from you.

There are MANY more reasons that promo works!  This is just three.  Want more?  Check out my new book, “Delivering Marketing Joy!”  You can even get a free chapter here on the blog!  Fill out the form to the right and I will send one out right away!


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