Words You Shouldn’t Use

by | Jun 16, 2015

I am a believer in the power of words.  The words you use (and how you use them) can absolutely make a difference in your life (and the lives of others).

But there are some words you should not use.  These words make you the victim.  If you want to have a happy and productive life, these words will hold you back.   Here they are:

THEY:  There is no group in the world that is blamed for more than “they.”  This is the group that should always “be doing something about that!”  They should be paving our streets.  They should be making the work place better.  They should bring in new business.  You get the idea.

Stop using “they” as an excuse.  If you want something to change, YOU do it.  It’s amazing how exciting life becomes once you get that.

DESERVE:  This is another overused word.  It seems like everyone thinks they “deserve” something.  And don’t just point fingers.  We all have a little “deserve” in us.  But the fact is, you don’t deserve anything.  If you want something, go earn it.

Stop using the word deserve.  When you want something (and they will not do it for you…which they won’t) go out and earn it.

Your life will change for the better.

What other words should we remove from our life?


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