You Do You

by | Apr 18, 2016


Maybe you have seen a post like this before.

“Please join me if you want everyone to stop using Linkedin like Facebook.  Linkedin is a professional site and should not be used for…”

Perhaps you even agree.  Listen to my take on the matter here.

These types of post really annoy me…for several reasons.  First of all, they are presumptuous.  Who appointed you to determine what should and should not be posted on any social network?  You don’t like it?  So what?  Do what the rest of us adults do and either un-follow that person or scroll on by.  It is not up to you to tell me how to network…or what I should be interested in.  It is indicative of a culture where “I don’t like it, so everyone should stop.”  Get over yourself.

But more importantly it takes your eyes off the prize.

If you are spending that much time worrying about what other people are doing, you are not focusing on what you do best.  You are taking your eyes and mind off your circle of influence.  As Stephen Covey talks about in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” if you focus on your circle of influence, you circle will get bigger.  But spending all of your time worrying about what everyone else is doing is not only UN-effective, it makes you less happy.

As Gary Vaynerchuk says, “You do you.”

Stop worrying about what I am posting on Linkedin (or any other social network for that matter).  Start focusing on what you can do to grow your organization, your sales, or your circle of influence.

You do you.

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