Give Expecting Nothing in Return

Once mistake I think we make when giving, is expecting the return on that investment to come immediately. I think if you want to Give Your Way To Success, you need to give freely, expecting nothing in return. That’s hard.Maybe you have heard of the Rule of...

Give Yourself Permission to Fail

Most of us have a passion we have always wanted to pursue. Most of us often have ideas of things we want to try. But some simply won’t take the action necessary to start. There are many reasons for this…but the main one is fear of failure. If you want to...

Give Change a Chance

Most people would agree that nothing great can come unless something changes. In order to create something that is better than what we have now, it has to change. We know that on an intellectual level.But why is it then that many folks fear change so much? The new...

Give Praise

If you are like many of us, it is not difficult going through your day finding someone (or something) to criticize. There are many things in our life that frustrate us. So when we encounter something that does not meet our expectations (whether they are realistic or...

Give Thanks

I have often said that the most under-used words in business are “thank you.” Unfortunately, I think this phenomonon is getting worse, not better. It’s just tough with the fast-paced times that we live in. The bad news is, with email, twitter,...