Everyone Can Be in the Discussion

Everyone Can Be in the Discussion

I was reading a Facebook post (and then subsequent comments) about a somewhat controversial issue the other day.  I know this is generally a bad idea because no one has ever changed their mind based on an anonymous argument they have over the internet with...
What Do You Put In First?

What Do You Put In First?

Yesterday, as a part of my morning routine, I was having a cup of coffee and checking over emails and my social networks.  During this time I noticed a feed that a friend had commented on, so I checked it out.  What I found was, unfortunately, a complicated...
A Conversation with Dana Zezzo

A Conversation with Dana Zezzo

One of my favorite things to do is to sit down with smart people and discuss ideas that make me think.  I really enjoy the give and take.  I also love it when someone opens my mind with a new argument or new perspective.  I am energized by those...
Profits with a Purpose

Profits with a Purpose

I spent this past week at the Inc sponsored “Grow Your Company (or GROWCO for short) event in Nashville.  What a great week!  I had the opportunity to meet Jeff Haden (one of my favorite writers with Inc.), took a class with Kevin Daun who challenged...
Put On Your Mask First

Put On Your Mask First

This weekend, my wife Amy and I, went out of town for just a day and a half.  The purpose of the trip was to spend just a few minutes to reconnect, recharge and refocus.  On it’s face, that sounds simple enough.The challenge with a trip like this is...