Knowing It All

Knowing It All

Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit in on a great educational Webinar with Danny Rosin (co-founder of Brand Fuel) about harnessing the power of Social Media in order to grow your business.  I am a big believer in leveraging the “social side of...
Listen To The Other Side

Listen To The Other Side

I have been known to describe certain people I know as “Often wrong but never uncertain.”  It’s not a compliment.  Though I love someone who has the courage of their convictions, I find that allowing yourself to consider (and then re-consider) your opinions...
Enthusiasm Is Contagious

Enthusiasm Is Contagious

Have you ever been in the room with a person who has started a new business, job or hobby?  When they tell you about all of the exciting things happening, they are bubbling with excitement.  After a few minutes, you start to get excited too!  The energy...
Lift The Heavy Stuff First

Lift The Heavy Stuff First

One day, many years ago, my mother had asked my father and I to move some furniture around in our house.  This was early in my life, probably the first time I had been asked to perform such a “manly” job and I was happy to do it.  As we looked at the group...
Be More Patient

Be More Patient

I am chronically in a hurry.  Though there are times when this can be good (getting quite a few things done) it makes me impatient.  I can’t stand lines.  I don’t care for public transportation.  And if someone gets in front of me that is walking...