A Good Sore

A Good Sore

We have all had the kind of sore that really hurts.  Maybe you were walking through the living room at night and kicked a table with your bare foot.  Or possibly you hit your head while getting the groceries out of the car.  It might have even been from...
What Are You Willing To DO?

What Are You Willing To DO?

Everyone SAYS they want to be successful. I know.  The definition of that success might be different for each person.  But in our chosen field, we all want to rise to the top.  We want to make the most with what we have. But what are you...
What An Honor!

What An Honor!

It’s hard to describe how humbling it is when people in your industry recognize you for your work.  It’s nice when friends and family say “nice job.”  Really it is!  But when peers in any industry, who understand the landscape,...
Just Because You Had It…

Just Because You Had It…

We are blessed to have a garage on our house.  My wife keeps her car in the garage, and over the winter, we decided to put my 16 year old daughter’s car in the garage as well.  I left my vehicle out.  But with the spring weather, we felt we could...
Success Brings New Challenges

Success Brings New Challenges

There is a misconception that comes with success that says “Once I hit -this goal- then things will really get easy.”  You work hard and push the giant ball up the hit every day with the idea that once you get to the top, it will roll down the other...