Turtle on a post

Turtle on a post

I saw this image today at church.  It’s a great image and it always makes me smile.  It’s a great reminder, the pastor said, that we should always be grateful.  No matter where we are, we probably did not get there on our own. It is a good reminder. But...
When You’re Tired

When You’re Tired

If you are working toward a big goal (or more than one), there will be a time that you just don’t feel like getting out of bed.  It happens.  Don’t get me wrong, if you have set a goal that excites you, the process should start with you being excited about...
Saying Thanks and Adding Value

Saying Thanks and Adding Value

Today is the day. For many, today is just another day.  But for Hasseman Marketing, today is our Annual Customer Appreciation/Trade Show.  Each year, we set up a show with food, drinks, and #MarketingJoy in order to say “thanks” to our current clients and...