Relationships Matter

Relationships Matter

Stop me if you have heard this one before.  “People buy from people they like, know and trust.”  I heard this a lot as I began my sales career.  It was fantastic advice to hear again and again because it was, well, true.  Today, though, some people believe...
Tips on Being More Productive

Tips on Being More Productive

I always joke that when someone asks me “When do you sleep?” I know I am on the right track.  If they asked me that, then my productivity level appears to be very high (at least to them!).  But what are some things that make you get more done?  I think...

Everybody is a Nerd about Something

What are you a nerd about?  On today’s Delivering Marketing Joy podcast, I talk about being passionate.  The fact is, most of us are “a nerd” about something.  We are the only one in our group that gets excited about this one thing.  But don’t...
My Goals for 2017

My Goals for 2017

If you spend any time on this website, you have probably heard me talk about goals.  I am a huge believer in spending your time thinking about your goals…and then writing them down.  The process inspires me.  I print mine off and then have them on my desk (and...