The Day After Perfect

The Day After Perfect

It’s hard to believe that January is coming to an end.  January 2021 could not come fast enough.  Now that it’s here…it seems to be moving so quickly.  For so many (including me) the new year signaled the time for new goals.  I talked about mine...
Your 25 Readers

Your 25 Readers

It can be frustrating.  When you begin a content journey, the going is often really slow.  You might only get 25 views (or less) as you begin to create.  And while you might be appreciative of the 25 people that took the time to read your words, it’s hard not to...
Finding The Real First Step

Finding The Real First Step

If I want to work out each morning, the key to getting started is not getting on the treadmill.   The key is just going downstairs.  That is the real first step. You see, my treadmill is in the basement.  It’s not far out of the way…but I have to want to...
Put This In Your Brain On Monday

Put This In Your Brain On Monday

Millions of people dread Mondays.  As a matter of fact, some people ruin Sundays because of it!  They spend the time dreading what the week will bring…instead of envisioning the life they want to create.  While I can’t help you if you hate your job, I can...
What Will YOU Create?

What Will YOU Create?

The other day, the Mayor of Coshocton posted on Facebook at that Dunkin will be coming to our community.  I was excited to hear this for several reasons, not the least of which means there is more investment in Coshocton County.  While most people seemed excited to...