Your 25 Readers

by | Jan 27, 2021

your 25 readers

It can be frustrating.  When you begin a content journey, the going is often really slow.  You might only get 25 views (or less) as you begin to create.  And while you might be appreciative of the 25 people that took the time to read your words, it’s hard not to compare that to the people who get thousands of views.  It can be discouraging.

Here are a few thoughts about this moment in time.

First, give yourself credit for the start.  It’s hard to put yourself out there…so most people don’t.  If you have begun the journey, you are ahead.  Keep going.

Second, there is no such thing as an overnight success.  I talk about that. here.  The reality is, that person who has thousands of views, started slow too.  They started…and then they kept going.

Third (and it took me a while to get this), they are not the same 25 people.  While your views (or listens, or likes, or whatever) may not reach huge numbers right away, you are often reaching more people than you think.  Very rarely are the 25 people the SAME 25 people.  While there will certainly be overlap, new people will be exposed to your work as you keep going.

That is the magic of showing up consistently.

I learned this at the PPAI Expo a few years ago.  Our industry’s largest trade show, this event serves as a singular meeting place for promo professionals.  While I was there, many wonderful and generous people came up to me to let me know they enjoyed my podcasts or blogs, or whatever.  These were people who I didn’t know…and I didn’t know they were listening.  But by continuing to show up, I was able to provide them value, here are there, in a way that meant something to them.

And that is what you can do for your 25 readers or listeners….if you choose to keep showing up.

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Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  And if you are interested in have him speak at your next event, you can learn more here.


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