A Week of Marketing Joy

by | Apr 16, 2016


It’s like a greatest hits of content…and it happens every week!  Each week we take a look at the Marketing Joy we push out and give it to you in one place.  So if you can’t keep up with the hustle during the week, you can do it here.

When You Are Not Asking For Money:  This has always been a good strategy, but in today’s day and age it is even more powerful.  You need to go to your clients when you are NOT asking for money!  How?  We discuss this in today’s podcast, but sending a card, giving a gift or just stopping by to say thank you!

Challenge Yourself:  These podcasts are almost always about getting better.  But sometimes we need to push ourselves in other areas of our lives.  This month I have challenged myself to do 200 push ups a day.  For some of you this might be easy, but not for me.  So each day I challenge myself to keep going.  This is how we grow.  Learn more on today’s Podcast.

Interview with Ben Baker:  Today I get the chance to chat with Ben Baker from YourBrandMarketing.  He tells us about his recent re-branding experience, and what you can expect if you want to do a Re-Brand!  You can watch the interview here on YouTube.  If you just want to listen on the go click here.

Don’t Live a What If Life:  If you want to live the life you have always wanted, you have to take action.  You can’t make your dreams come true from the sideline.  Cliche?  Maybe.  It’s also true.  Listen to today’s podcast and share with anyone you think needs to hear it!

5 Lessons From the Golden State Warriors:  It doesn’t matter whether you are sports fan or not.  There are 5 (and maybe more) lessons you can learn from the Golden State Warriors record breaking season.  Click here to learn the lessons and listen in!

Bonus Weekly Word:  In addition, if you missed the Weekly Word you might want to watch this one.  This time we talk about a way to increase your fitness and your brain power!  Watch here.

So there is a week in one place.  Enjoy!  Oh, and let me know if you have any topics you want me to tackle on the podcast.  I want to add as much value as I can for you!  Never miss an episode by subscribing on iTunes here.

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