Getting This Off My Chest

Getting This Off My Chest

“I need to get something off my chest.” Can I give you a piece of advice?  If you find yourself saying those words, just shut up. I have seen it time and time again.  When we feel the need to vent, or rant, or get something off our chest, it almost always...
How Would That Work?

How Would That Work?

I send out my weekly email every Monday morning at 10 am.  Every week, like clockwork, we send it out.  The email is full of blog posts, videos, and podcasts and it’s designed to provide inspiration and motivation to our clients…and of course, promote...
Embrace Uncomfortable Conversations

Embrace Uncomfortable Conversations

I heard recently that “a person’s capacity for growth is directly related to their willingness to have uncomfortable conversations.” I wish I could remember where I heard that…because it struck me.  And it struck me, because like so many...
It Was A Tough Day

It Was A Tough Day

Friday was a tough day in Coshocton County. In addition to the challenging personal times we are living through (and there are more than I care to list here), it was a heavy day.  It started with sirens wailing around town and I texted my wife and daughters to make...
Keep Going

Keep Going

What if today was the day you broke through? You have been working in this sales job for months.  Or maybe you have been creating content for a year.  But on many days, it feels like no one cares.  You are doing what “the experts,” tell you to do.  But it...