Getting This Off My Chest

by | Jun 6, 2022

get this off my chest

“I need to get something off my chest.”

Can I give you a piece of advice?  If you find yourself saying those words, just shut up.

I have seen it time and time again.  When we feel the need to vent, or rant, or get something off our chest, it almost always ends poorly.  Sure…you might get a momentary release.  Congrats. You feel better for a moment.

But when you spew that negativity, it lands somewhere…or on someone.

Don’t get me wrong, I have talked about the need to have uncomfortable conversations.  Those are important.  But those conversations can be productive when they are done with kind candor.  That way, you have the ability to deliver your message, but in the service of the other person.

When you just do it to blow off some steam, getting something off your chest is a selfish act.

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