2 Ways To Stay The Course

2 Ways To Stay The Course

Nearly everyone I know would like to improve their life (or themselves) in some way.  That makes sense.  Most of us would like to be in better shape, be more confident, have more money, be more patient, or (fill in the blank).  Some of us would like all of these...
Helping 10,000

Helping 10,000

Anyone that knows me knows I believe in goals.  I think they can have a huge impact on your life.  Most people, it seems to me, just let life happen to them.  They get to the end of a week, a year, or a decade and wonder what happened.  Most of them do not create...
What Did You Create Today?

What Did You Create Today?

I once heard a story about Sara Blakely (the founder of Spanx) growing up.  Her father used to ask her and her siblings each day “What did you fail at today?” He didn’t ask them to catch them in some kind of gotcha moment.  It was quite the...
So Much To Learn by Re-Learning

So Much To Learn by Re-Learning

Want to hear a statement that holds many of us back?  It’s simple.  “I already know that.”  That statement holds us back because there is so much to learn by re-learning.  When we re-visit material that we read or listened to previously it can have...
The 2nd Job of Leadership

The 2nd Job of Leadership

There are many important functions of leadership.  That’s why it’s such a tough job.  Leaders are called to keep their people safe, to provide vision, make decisions for the good of the group…and so much more.  It can feel overwhelming.  Leadership...
Lean Into It

Lean Into It

I love it when when “spring forward” into daylight savings time.  To me, it not only signifies springtime and warmer weather coming, but it also means that it will be lighter out longer in the evening.  To be honest, I wish we would just stay at this time...