What Will You Do with the Hard?

What Will You Do with the Hard?

I despise it when people say things like “If you find something you love, you will never work another day in your life.”  It’s a cute saying, but it’s not true.  Regardless of how much you love your chosen profession, there will be times when...
Chasing The Metrics

Chasing The Metrics

Yesterday I wrote a blog post that “worked.”  It immediately got feedback on social media.  People engaged and commented and shared the blog.  Today I looked at the numbers on Google Analytics and they told the same story.  The numbers were measurably...
I Need To Get To Quadrant 2

I Need To Get To Quadrant 2

I have a project at the office that I am really excited about.  It’s a big project that, if successful, could have a great impact on the company.  But it’s a long-term project, and it’s brand new, so there is no well-worn path of which to follow. In...
The Simple Rule About Change

The Simple Rule About Change

Here is a simple rule about change. If you want something different than you have, you have to be willing to do something different than you have done. I think most of us, upon reading this, would nod and say “sure.”  Of course, that is true.  It’s...
7 Great Books For Sales

7 Great Books For Sales

I love to read.  Don’t get me wrong.  It’s not because I love the feeling of “curling up with a good book.”  That’s fine, I guess.  But my personality does not really lend me to a curling-up kind of guy.  I love it because I feel like reading pushes me.  It makes me...
It’s Time To Get Urgency Back

It’s Time To Get Urgency Back

Here is something I have found to be true.  When, as a consumer, I am researching something to purchase, there is a limited window on my attention.  It might be a whim, where I just want information, or something I want to purchase but I keep forgetting.  I go to my...