What Do You Do AFTER The Party?

Remember how you feel the day of the big event?  You are tired, sure.  But you get out of bed at the first alarm.  You know you have a lot to do, but are excited to see it all come together!  You have worked on this event (or project, or party or...
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Any time you are trying to make big strides toward change in life (whether in finances, work, relationships, etc.), there are going to be setbacks.  Intellectually we know that.  We know that nothing really worth doing is easy.  But in the day to day...
Be “That Guy” or “That Girl”

Be “That Guy” or “That Girl”

I had the opportunity to play in my high school’s alumni soccer game this past weekend (yes I am still sore) and it was a really fun time.  I am not a good soccer player.  Truth be told, I didn’t even play in high school.  But they let me...

Working on What You’re Passionate About

Nearly every time I get bogged down in life, I find it is because I am spending way too much time and energy on things I don’t REALLY care about.  The capital letters there are on purpose.  The tricky thing is, they are things I do care about…a...
6 Lessons From Anita

6 Lessons From Anita

Like most people, I have had quite a few bosses in my life.  Most have been good, one or two have been bad, and one has been truly great.  I recently attended a party for the best boss I ever had…Anita Rector.She decided (after being Dave...
Knowing It All

Knowing It All

Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit in on a great educational Webinar with Danny Rosin (co-founder of Brand Fuel) about harnessing the power of Social Media in order to grow your business.  I am a big believer in leveraging the “social side of...