Profits with a Purpose

Profits with a Purpose

I spent this past week at the Inc sponsored “Grow Your Company (or GROWCO for short) event in Nashville.  What a great week!  I had the opportunity to meet Jeff Haden (one of my favorite writers with Inc.), took a class with Kevin Daun who challenged...
Put On Your Mask First

Put On Your Mask First

This weekend, my wife Amy and I, went out of town for just a day and a half.  The purpose of the trip was to spend just a few minutes to reconnect, recharge and refocus.  On it’s face, that sounds simple enough.The challenge with a trip like this is...
Leading with Who…or Why

Leading with Who…or Why

As business owners, entreprenuers and marketers, we are usually very good at telling people “what” we (as a company) do.  Often we will even spend a great deal of time telling them “how” we do it.  We will drone on for hours about the...
The Importance of Consistency

The Importance of Consistency

Consistency is one of those things that customers value more than entrepreneurs.  It’s a really important factor in the customer experience that very small businesses focus on.  I think, partially, because lack of consistency rarely shows up in a...

Saying NO More

One of the hardest lessons I have learned is how important it is to say “no.”  Seth Godin’s post today is spot on here.  The fact is, if you want to give your best to the things you are excited about, you HAVE to say no to the things that...

Letter to Sky and Jade…Take a Breath

Dear Sky and Jade,I love you both.  You are both good girls that have the ability and (I think) desire to make the right choices.  And you know how I feel about choices!  You have heard me–again and again–say that life is all about...